Tiered Base Item


In Diablo 2 Tyrael Mights, there is a big adjustment in Item Bases, also known as Runeword presses. Item Bases is still basically based on the original mechanics of the game, only with the adjustment of more random options when hunting monsters in the map.

Options Addtional

(1-30) + to Energy

(1 -2 ) + to All Skills

(1-30) + to Dexterity

(1 – 20) +% to Cold Fire Damage

(1-30) + to Vitality

(1 – 20) +% to Lightning Skill Damage

(1-500) to Life

(1 – 20) +% to Cold Skill Damage

(1-500) to Mana

(1 – 20) +% to Poison Skill Damage

(1 – 50) +% Enhanced Defense

(1 – 25) -% to Enemy Fire Resistance

(1 – 200) + Defense

(1 – 20) -% to Enemy Lightning Resistance

Damage Reduced by (1 – 200)

(1 – 20) -% to Enemy Cold Resistance

Magic Damage Reduced by (1 – 150)

(1 – 20) -% to Enemy Poison Resistance

Damage Reduced by (1 – 10)%

(1 – 30) +% to Magic Skill Damage

Magic Resist +(1 – 20)%

(1 – 30) -% to Enemy Magic Resistance

(1 – 5) +%to Maximum Magic Resist

Increasing Number Summon: (1 – 5)

Fire Resist +(1 – 20)%

(1 – 5) – to Enemy Fire Absorb

(1 – 5) +%to Maximum Fire Resist

(1 – 5) – to Enemy Lightning Absorb

Lightning Resist +(1 – 20)%

(1 – 5) – to Enemy Cold Absorb

(1 – 5) +%to Maximum Lightning Resist

(1 – 5) – to Enemy Poison Absorb

Cold Resist +(1 – 20)%

(1 – 5) – to Enemy Magic Absorb

(1 – 5) +%to Maximum Cold Resist

(1 – 5) – to Enemy Physical Absorb

Poison Resist +(1 – 20)%

(1 – 5) -% to Enemy Fire Absorb

(1 – 5) +%to Maximum Poison Resist

(1 – 5) -% to Enemy Lightning Absorb

Replenish Life +(1 – 30)

(1 – 5) -% to Enemy Cold Absorb

Increase Maximum Life (1 – 30)%

(1 – 5) -% to Enemy Poison Absorb

Increase Maximum Mana (1 – 30)%

(1 – 5) -% to Enemy Magic Absorb

(1 – 2) + to Random Class Skill Levels

(1 – 5) -% to Enemy Physical Absorb

(1 – 20) +%Increased Attack Speed

(1 – 20) +% to Physical Skill Damage

(1 – 30) +%Faster Run/Walk

(1 – 50) +%Bonus to Summon’s Life

(1 – 20) +%Faster Hit Recovery

(1 – 100) + Bonus to Summon’s Damage

(1 – 15) +%Faster Block Rate

(1 – 20) -% to Enemy Physical Resistance

Tiered Level

Tier 2

Item tier 2 will have random 1 options on Options Addtionnal

Tier 3

Item tier 3 will have random 2 options on Options Addtionnal

Tier 4

Item tier 4 will have random 3 options on Options Addtionnal

Tier 5

Item tier 5 will have random 4 options on Options Addtionnal

Notice: All item Tiered will have owner, you cannot trading outside Market Place


Wrath of the Lich KingRaise Of UberPlain Of Souls

Last updated