

The Amazon is a powerful female warrior of the Askari – a nomadic group that roams the plains near the South Sea. These groups often get caught in conflicts with other tribes, so the Amazon was used to fighting to protect itself. This lifestyle has made her immensely independent and able to overcome extreme hardship and travel. While her Bow skills are on par with Rogues’ skills, Amazon is adept at using Spears, Javelins, and hand-to-hand combat. Amazon weapons are items that only Amazon can equip. These are special types of Bow, Lao, and Spear. Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in the kind of service she will stay loyal to as long as her ends are also served.


Amazon is a char that has many good skills both about stacking boss damage as well as clearing small monsters, especially with a dodge passive that helps increase the ability to stay in front of the boss.


You can see the SKILL EXTRA information of the classes in the Skill Extras table in the skill section of the character in the game.

To use the SKILL EXTRA, the character must use the skill level 20-30-40. Skill upgrade in turn will be graded by level:

  • Skill level 20 - 1 skill extra

  • Skill level 30 - 2 skill extras

  • Skill level 40 - 3 skill extras

SKILL EXTRA will be automatically hit (CTC) according to the number of hits of the normal skill.

Skill UpgradeResonance Level

Freezing Arrow (*)

Level 20

Exploding Arrow (*)

Level 30

Guided Arrow (*)

Level 40

Last updated