Wrath of the Lich King


Following the event of Pandamonium III. This time, monsters are becoming more aggressive and powerful! Destinations obscured and difficult to locate, unexplored mysteries call forth terrors that challenges that test the best of our heroes. The peaceful period did not last long, Sanctuary continued to be threatened, the potential threat from none other than Arthas - The Lich King.

How to get in Wrath of the Lich King


You must finish HELL MODE

You need at least 200 SOUL

Enter Wrath of the Lich King

Extra Quest Board have many maps you can try, pick map Wrath of the Lich King. After that you can choose 4 MODE to play.

  • Normal / Hard / God / Transcendent

  • Rate Drop 120% / 150% / 200% / 300%

  • Rate x Soul 100% / 140% / 180% / 260%

Story and Plot

The Lich King was the master and lord of the Scourge which he ruled telepathically through the Helm of Domination from his Frozen Throne atop Icecrown Citadel.

When Ner'zhul attempted to escape Draenor, he was immediately apprehended by the demon lord Kil'jaeden. Kil'jaeden tore the old shaman's body apart, but kept his spirit intact and aware. Ner'zhul begged for death, but Kil'jaeden said he still had a purpose to serve. He offered Ner'zhul one last chance to serve the Burning Legion or face eternal torment. When the orc recklessly agreed, Kil'jaeden encased his spirit in a block of diamond-hard ice from the distant reaches of the Twisting Nether. Encased within the frozen cask and warped by the demon lord's chaotic powers, Ner'zhul felt his consciousness expand ten thousand-fold and he became a spectral being of unfathomable power: the Lich King. The new being was sent to Azeroth with the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne merged with his icy tomb.

After Archimonde's disastrous defeat at Mount Hyjal. The Burning Legion forces were almost completely annihilated, leaving only a few small groups scattered in the forests of Ashenvale or the arid Blasted Lands. However, before he was destroyed, the demon lord still left a group of 3 Dreadlords outside Lodaeron's ruined palace to make sure the kingdom was still under control and also to keep an eye on the treacherous servant by Ner'zhul (Lich King's real name). Even so, these Dreadlords did not know the fate of their master, until a few months later, when Arthas returned and regained his throne. He threatened the dreadlords, and they instantly disappeared. Along with Sylvanas and Kel'Thuzad, Arthas decided to destroy the last human refuge here. A battle broke out between the Undead and the desperate humans, led by the three Paladins Dagren the Orcslayer, Halahk the Lifebringer and Magroth the Defender.

To continue years of threatening Sanctuary, the Lich King and his subordinates are his oligarchs God of Fire - Ignus - Isair - Tyreal continue to make it difficult for the heroes. To prepare mentally to fight with the Lich King, you need to set up the Item as well as the fighting method to deal with each oligarch as well as the Lich King Boss on Icecrown Glacier.

This is an event that does not exist on Blizzard nor Single Player. This is just an event added by the D2VN Mod!!

Map and Bosses

Palace Garden

Boss: God Of Fire

Enter the ancient castle that has a wide variety of Monsters, with a huge number of lives that can be difficult for you. Behind it all is The Summoner – God of Fire.

Summoner believes he can bend the forces of evil to his will. What he doesn't know is that evil takes advantage of people, not vice versa. In the end, he had to receive his end at the hands of a new group of heroes, pursuing the Dark Wanderer. Deckard Cain, who recognized the Summoner as the Wizard he knew in Tristram, hoped that the Summoner would find peace in death. However, he admitted that there was a high chance the Summoner would be dragged into Burning Hell by the demons he was forced to – a warning about the perils of magic.

After defeat the Summoner, the next level will be opened.

Dark Ruin

Boss: Ignus

There is a burning man hovering in the air over a grille in the Smoldering Corpse Bar. His skin bubbles and chars, and flames pour from his tormented eyes, yet his expression is far away, almost as if he were reveling in the flames.

A pyromaniacal mage, Ignus is a chaotic neutral character that can be recruited to The Nameless One's party.

Oni Hill

Boss: Isair

Isair is described as a twisted sorcerer with power equal to any master in Arcane's Master Tower.

Half-elf and half-demon, Isair has characteristics typical of elves and demons. He was about six and a half meters tall, and stood on two feet. He has dark red skin, wide and feathery wings, twisted legs, and a tail. It is possible that Isair carried a larger version of the great knife Iyachtu Xvim.

Isair is a powerful sorcerer with combat training and fights his enemies with two great swords.

Way To Heaven

Boss: Tyreal - Archangel of Justice

Before meeting Tyreal - Archangel of Justice, heroes must pre-select 5 paths including 100 random steps to find the gate of The Sky Chamber.

Tyrael, formerly Archangel of Justice, now Aspect of Wisdom, is a mortal angel. He is a staunch defender of Sanctuary and humanity, but is considered a traitor by the Council of Angiris.

Like the angel belonging to the giant Anu and Heaven, like the devil of Hell and the great dragon Tathamet. As the Archangel of Justice, Tyrael took part in the Great Conflict, and his exploits in battle became legendary. According to Imperius, he and Tyrael saved each other's lives countless times during the conflict. Off the battlefield, he runs the Court of Justice.

Icecrown Glacier

Boss: Arthas – The Lich King

The last boss, at the top of Icecrown Glacier – Arthas – The Lich King.

Arch Angel of Justice? Before becoming mortal? After that, he was only one fifth of Anu's strength. He is a millennium old creature with the experience of fighting tens of thousands of battles.

I like the Lich King, but he is a combination of a very strong Death Knight with Nerzhul, and who is Nerzhul? Undoubtedly one of the strongest mages in the world, with great power from the Burning Legion. However, that is a different scale of strength.


Item Bases


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